
2016年10月5日 星期三

2016 CJASN--Urinary Biomarkers at the Time of AKI Diagnosis as Predictors of Progression of AKI among Patients with Acute Cardiorenal Syndrome

2016 CJASN--Urinary Biomarkers at the Time of AKI Diagnosis as Predictors of Progression of AKI among Patients with Acute Cardiorenal Syndrome

The primary outcome: AKI progression
The secondary outcome: AKI progression with subsequent death

Conclusions uAGT, uNGAL, and uIL-18 measured at time of AKI diagnosis improved risk stratification and identified CRS patients at highest risk of adverse outcomes.

=> Best ROC: uAGT => 0.76 in primary outcome/ 0.93 in secondary outcome

