
2016年5月28日 星期六

Topic: Pathophysiology of Renal Tubular Acidosis: Core Curriculum 2016 pRTA Dx and Tx

Topic: Pathophysiology of Renal Tubular Acidosis: Core Curriculum 2016
           pRTA Dx and Tx


  1. defect HCO3 reabsorption in the proximal tubule
    1. Apical NHE3 or H-ATPase defect
    2. cytolic CA II defect
    3. Basolateral NBCE1 defect
  2. pRTA could be a component of Fanconi’s syndrome
  3. Hereditary:
    1. mutatiojn at CA II => p+d RTA (type III RTA), prominent at distal acidification defect
    2. Familial Fanconi’s synd.: cystinosis and Wilson’s dz
    3. Lowe syndr. (OCRL)
Acquired: tubular injury => light chain, amyloidosis, MM, autoimmune disorder, toxin, etc.
  1. Clinical manifestation:
    1. milder Hyer-Cl +/- bicarbonturia (depends on the filtrate’s bicarbonate amount exceed or not the distal tubule reabsorption maximum; -, when serum HCO3 14~18) => Hyper-Cl + Hypo-K + variable urine pH
    2. NH4Cl test (0.1g/kg) or Furosemide test (high false positive and false negative rate)
               Tx w/ HCO3 (1~2 mEq/kg/d) 2~3 wks => recheck serum HCO3 => pRTA: serum HCO3 still significantly below normal + Alkaline urine pH
                        => c.f. dRTA: nearly normal reference of serum HCO3
    1. Tx:
      1. PO HOC3 (10-15 mEq/kg/d) + K supply
      2. Hydrochlorothiazide + K supply (可能低)
      3. If Fanconi’s synd. => 要補phosphate

